The goodness of God is assumed by most people, even by unbelievers. We all understand that God is the source of all that is good. When we become alive to the Gospel, reborn, and regenerated, we celebrate this fact. However, in times of trial and struggle, and especially death and tragedy, we are often confused by the inconsistency between his goodness and what happens around us.
This week’s call to worship continues our theme of being chiseled by God. God uses various chisels, be they illness, misfortune, or discontentment, to conform us to the image of His Son. “He Leadeth Me! O Blessed Thought” confesses that God’s intention is behind every circumstance, good or bad. “By waters still, o’er troubled sea / still ’tis His hand that leadeth me!”
Our Psalm of the morning comes from Psalm 60. Israel’s history is replete with tragedy and hardship. Psalm 60 laments God’s apparent absence. “O Lord, you did us clean, forsake, and scatter us abroad.” It is a plea for God to remember us, despite our sin and disobedience.
Last week, for our Eucharist time, Anna and Joy led “Come All Ye Pining.” This week, we will sing it congregationally. This hymn reminds us, “O wondrous gifts of love divine / dear source of every good.” Whatever our plight, we understand that Christ is our “full supply.” We then move into Robin Mark’s “All Is Well,” which continues to proclaim and revel in God’s sovereignty.
The Eucharist music selection is another new hymn composed by Keith Getty and Steward Townend, titled, “The Perfect Wisdom of Our God.” “Each strand of sorrow has a place / within this tapestry of grace / So through the trials I choose to say / Your perfect will in Your perfect way.” We will tag this hymn with Connor Johnson’s “Wisdom of Our God.”
We finish out the service with another hymn, “This Is My Father’s World.” Again, in keeping with our theme, we depart being strengthened by God’s Word and communion. “This Is My Father’s World” gives us a final thought of revelry in his great providence.