Psalm 31:1–5, 15–16
Acts 7:55–60
John 14:1–14
1 Peter 2:2–10
This morning’s Psalm puts us in mind of Christ as he is on the cross. We can imagine ourselves where he is. Because of him we are righteous and our enemy the Devil stands about to accuse us. We are like children who stumble in the night to get in bed with mom and dad to seek shelter and safety. Our heavenly Father is our safety, our stronghold, our fortress. We begin our service with “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.” We are then reminded of the words of comfort Jesus speaks to his disciples: I go to prepare a place for you. Fittingly we will sing “That Where I Am, There You May Also Be” by Rich Mullins. The next hymn, “In Christ Alone,” covers the breadth of the gospel. Philip asks if he can see the Father and Jesus tells him that if he can see him, he has seen the Father. Understanding that Christ and the Father are one is important to understanding the breadth of the gospel. He is sufficient because he and the Father are one! This language is echoed in John 17 when Jesus prays for the unity of the church. We will learn a new song called “All to Us” by Matt Maher, Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman, and Jesse Reeves. This song is about our unity and how it glorious the Bride of Christ really is.